Monday, 27 July 2015


Some people simply hear the word morning and cannot function. For me, sunrise is a time to get inspired, eat a delicious breakfast and get s*** done. I never had trouble getting out of bed as a teenager. I would only occasionally moan about getting up early if I was struggling to sleep (need to get those 8 hours!). In my last flat, when it was too cold to shower until about midday, my mornings weren't so productive as I was more occupied trying to thaw out my body. Student living at it's finest. 

Now I'm moved into a new flat, things are looking up and so are my mornings. Since turning vegan and my energy levels have shot up, there is no need for coffee as my pick me up. Decaf please! Which is great news for me as caffeine does shake me up a bit. As an anxious person, knowing I have plans or appointments in the afternoon usually results in me constantly looking at the clock and puts me off making plans for the rest of the day. Weird, I know. On the other hand morning plans leave me in a productive mood for the rest of the day. Maybe 7:30am starts aren't so bad after all?

Morning Favourites:

  • Sunrise - generally this is more of a winter thing. Either that or I was wild enough to stay up all night
  • Breakfast - without doubt porridge and a banana
  • That first cup of tea
  • Writing lists - anyone else obsessed? I once started writing ideas for a menu of my dream cafe...
  • Exercising - I'm not talking as soon as I jump out of bed but I like to get it over and done with!
  • Scrolling through Instagram
  • Dancing to music (shockingly) whilst getting ready


  1. I love getting stuff done but I wish I was more of a morning person so I can wake up earlier to do those things ha ha. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  2. I'm starting to enjoy mornings more now, reaching the end of my teenage years! I love your list of morning favourites, I'm developing very similar favourites! x

    ellie etc | a personal style & lifestyle blog
